The District of Karlsruhe will host a Conference to discuss about the present and the future of our home, planet Earth, taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals of UN. Let´s get together in this important mission! Let´s help to make our municipalities more sustainable! It is a big challenge, however we are sure that together we are better!
The Conference will take place at Bad Schönborn, on the 16th and 17th of July, 2019.
During the two days representatives and technicians of t he 32 municipalities oft he District of Karlsruhe together with representatives and technicians of three Brazilian municipalities will be sharing impressions and ideas of how we can go on in this important mission.
To start, we will highlight three sustainable development goals out oft he existing seventeen. They are number 3 – Good Health, number 4 – Quality Education, and number 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities. Going deeper, we will focus on mental health and life in old age, biodiversity and climate change and last but not least, sustainable mobility and sustainable and healthy construction forms. We will have lectures, forums with experts, best practices presentations and also an excellent environment for networking and sharing experiences.
And to close the first night oft he Conference and celebrate all the effort people are doing in favor of sustainability, everybody is welcome to attend the SDG Festival. A must-go event that will feature a talk about the SDGs moderated by Markus Brock with politicians from Germany and Brazil, a documentary presented by Andreas Kieling, students from Fridays for future, poetry, live music and much more. Be part oft he crowd!
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