Vom 20.06.2019 – 24.06.2019 wurde ein einwöchiger Studenten-Workshop „Hands-on Sustainable Mobility“ des Studiengangs Verkehrssystemmanagement an der Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft veranstaltet. Dieser wurde mit einer eintägigen internationalen Konferenz mit 130 Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Ländern und Hochschulen wie z.B. der brasilianischen Partner-Universität aus Brusque – UNIFEBE. Im Mittelpunkt stand für die 130 Teilnehmer/innen und 20 Referenten/innen das Thema “nachhaltige Mobilität”.
Am Beispiel des Campus der Karlsruher Hochschule wurden im Workshop Konzepte im Bereich „Future Campus Mobility“ durch Studenten entwickelt. Die 10 Gruppen befassten sich mit nachhaltigen Lösungsansätzen für die Pendler, sowohl Studenten als auch Mitarbeiter der Hochschule und Dienstreisen des Personals. Im Anschluss wurden die Ideen am Freitag einem breiten Publikum präsentiert.
Workshop Hands on Sustainable Mobility, district of Karlsruhe, May 20-24/2019
This was the fourth edition of the workshop (Nov 2017 Brazil / May 2018 Karlsruhe / Nov 2018 Brazil / May 2019 Karlsruhe). We have two more left: Nov 2019 in Brazil and the final workshop in May 2020 in Karlsruhe. These workshops are part of a project from the Climate Partnership between the district of Karlsruhe and the city of Brusque, Brazil in the topic Sustainable Mobility.
Students from both universities UNIFEBE (Brazil) and Hoschule Karlsruhe (Germany) get together to discuss a topic on sustainable mobility previously selected by the professors. It is a week of group work and field work, hands on activities! The groups are mixed with students from both universities and in the last day oft he workshop they have to present the results of the studies conducted during the week. This year, Professor Hupfer from Hoschule Karlsruhe decided to plan a bigger event involving other universities that are partners of the university here. There were 7 universities (UNIFEBE, Brazil, Hoschule Karlsruhe, Germany, McGill University, Canada, University of Waterloo, Canada, University oft he Philippines, Philippines, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, and Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia). In total there were 7 universities, 6 nations, 5 faculties, 4 continents. The topic of the workshop this year was „Future Campus Mobility“. On Wednesday there was an international conference „The Science behind hands on Sustainable Mobility.
Background: Since 2011, the University of Waterloo, Mc Gill University and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences have developed an international exchange program including workshops, professional seminars, conference presentations and faculty exchanges.
Since 2017 the University Centre of Brusque – UNIFEBE, the School of Urban and Regional Planning of the University of the Philippines, the New jersey Institute of Technology and later, in 2018, the Polytechnic University of Madrid – UPM also joined the exchange activities with the Hochschule Karlsruhe.
During the course of the years the exchange has grown in quality of work and the level of engagement. Other Universities have started different collaboration agreements with our Program, like New Jersey University.
For this reason, the Hochschule Karlsruhe will host in May 2019 a one-week student workshop and a one-day young researcher conference with approx. 80 participants from our partner universities and interested universities.
Objective: This workshop focuses on moving forward regarding the concept of sustainable mobility, deriving best practices across the international experiences.
The program aims to sensitize students, young researchers and faculty on the topic of sustainable mobility fostering international exchange.
The explorations are not only technical, but also include cultural understandings and social norms.
It considers the broad disciplines needed to achieve contemporary urban transportation goals – economics, political science, law, and environment.
Student workshop: The one-week student workshops will bring together students from the different partner universities to work jointly to find solutions in the field of sustainable mobility.
In mixed groups the students will exchange experiences, compare different approaches, learn from each other and try to develop sustainable solutions for real world problems.
As the Hochschule Karlsruhe is currently developing a new campus masterplan to achieve carbon neutral mobility, the workshop will focus on the topic “Future Campus Mobility”.
Based on the example of the campus of Hochschule Karlsruhe the student will explore different topics for mobility solutions.
The student groups will present their analysis, visions, concepts and sketches for “Future Campus Mobility” on a symposium on Friday to a broader audience of practitioners from federal state, county, and municipality level.
Studenten-Präsentationen vom Freitag (AUDIO)
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